Transition of Thoughts

Weaving thoughts into words

Din of screaming voices

Din of screaming voices

The day was a disappointing experience. It all began downhill from the time he moved into the new place. While he knew that shifting to a new city was going to be tough, he had made peace with the fact that this would help him rise higher in his career based on how capable he was.

But his new neighbours didn’t make things any easier. They always seemed hysterical. From yelling at their house help to fighting with each other, it was a din of screaming voices.

He found that there is nothing behind the wall except a space where the wind whistles. And so he decided to ensure that the doors and windows are made soundproof. Once done, he was able to live a much calmer life free from the stream of noise he was forced to handle day in and day out.

Linking to Ragtag Daily Prompt: Tough, Fandango One Word Challenge: Hysterical, Your Daily Word Prompt: Capable, Sunday Writing Prompt, dVerse Challenge: Of Houses, Walls, and Whistling Winds, Fiction Monday: Stream


Photography: Sun will come out




  1. I’m glad he found a way to block out the noisy neighbors. That can be so annoying.

    Your link in Mister Linky says transition of thoughts, but it goes to the dVerse prompt, not this page. I’ll remove it, and you can put this link in.

  2. Oh, noisy neighbors, especially the ones who fight with each other non-stop, take our peace and sanity away. Good that he found a way to escape from the din!
    Great take on the prompt, Aseem. Thank you for joining. 🙂

    • transitionofthoughts

      Yeah noisy neighbours can get quite irritating. Thanks Vinitha for the lovely prompt :).

  3. Oh, how well I know noisy neighbours! Mine are so loud, I can hear their normal conversations, too!

    • transitionofthoughts

      Oh yes I can completely empathize with you. Lol I have encountered many such over the years. Not only their conversations but many a time even their TV volume can be heard loud and clear LOL.

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