Transition of Thoughts

Weaving thoughts into words

Month: December 2014 Page 1 of 3

Melbourne: A city with a little for everyone..

Yarra River And Melbourne Skyline

Yarra River And Melbourne Skyline


There are so many factors which people consider before deciding to settle down in a city. While professional growth in terms of the organizations and corporates is at the forefront of our decision, there are other points like education, healthcare, infrastructure, safety, tourist places to visit and the likes which we consider before making our decision as well.

In this context, Melbourne being voted as the world’s most liveable city by the Economist Intelligence Unit’s liveability survey for the fourth consecutive year is an achievement to be really proud of. In a world where terror is spreading its tentacles far and wide and policies of governments and corporates are changing frequently, the tag of the most liveable city is something which every resident of Melbourne can boast about.

So what is it about Melbourne that makes it so special?

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Truth vs Lies?

Truth vs Lies

Truth vs Lies


We love to lie for anything and everything in our lives, don’t we? From simple lies which may not harm people to those which could actually be detrimental to individuals, lying has become part and parcel of our lives. But why do we lie? Why is it so difficult to be true to people around?

One of the primary reasons is fear. Fear from our parents, extended family, friends, peers and more. We fear on the way they would react hearing the truth. We fear having to bear the consequences of being true to the situation. Moreover, a lot of us lack the courage and the will-power to be able to handle the effects of telling the truth to people.

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Five Sentence Fiction: Finding Happiness..

He popped the question..

He popped the question..


“The city has been so amazingly decked up with lights of different colours, shapes and sizes for the festive season. You can feel the happiness among everyone around.”

There had been ups and downs in her personal life but finally with Tom, she seemed to have found the right man. And just as he had always amazed her, he popped the question right at the start of the new year.

She could feel as though all the elements had united together to bring her the utmost happiness.

Written for Five Sentence Fiction Prompt: Jolly. Read the other entries here.

Linking to Theme Thursday: Togetherness.

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – December) – My post no 20 for this month.

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100 word fiction: Steps of Life

Steps of Life

PHOTO PROMPT – Copyright -Björn Rudberg

“Ron, Life is not easy. You need money for happiness.”

Though not very academically gifted, Ron was attracted to various forms of creative expression. He loved theater so much so that he dropped out of college midway and joined a theater group to further his interest. While blogging started as a pastime, he slowly but surely developed himself into a thought leader on various topics. And finally, acting in movies was the icing on the cake.

As he reminisced his father’s words, he couldn’t help but smile. He had dared to climb the steps of life and follow his dreams.

Written for the photo prompt and you can read the other entries here.

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – December) – My post no 19 for this month.

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160 word fiction: Kindling old memories..

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

CC photo by IQRemix.

Every shop in Chinatown was decked up with lights of different hues. It seemed as though they were having a competition on whose lights were the brightest and the most innovative in their design.

Seeing the revelry all around, George was reminded of the days he came to Chinatown with Anne. Visiting the different dragon temples, bargaining for simple things at the various stores that had set up shop and having authentic Chinese cuisine, she loved it all.

Since the time she had passed away due to the cancer she was diagnosed with, George had all but given up on life. Neither did he eat properly nor did he sleep peacefully. It seemed as though life had been sucked out of his soul.

He finally decided to revisit Chinatown and kindle old memories on their 25th anniversary which coincidentally fell on the first day of the Chinese New Year. He felt that this way he could be closer to her.

Linking to Flash Friday: Vol 3 – 3

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – December) – My post no 21 for this month.

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Oman Diaries – Sunset, Sunrise & the Mysteries of Wahiba Sands

In a continuation to my previous post on Wahiba Sands, I also wanted to mention about one of the mysteries I came across during my stay as well as watching the beautiful sunset and sunrise.

Since we had arrived around late afternoon, we set out to capture the sunset at about 5pm in the evening. With our cameras and smartphones in tow, we set out with Majid (our driver cum guide) in the Land Cruiser Prado to the vantage point which was to provide us the best view of the sunset.

Our Land Cruiser Prado arrives at the vantage point..

Our Land Cruiser Prado arrives at the vantage point..

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eBooks vs Paperbacks

Paperback vs eBooks

Paperback vs eBooks


Since the time e-books have gained a foothold in the literary world, the war between e-books and paperbacks has begun. It is a war which has split individuals with extremely divergent views on different sides of the spectrum. Can both of them survive together? Or is it that one will win over the other? Let’s check it out.

E-books are pretty cost effective for the publisher as well as the reader. Publishers don’t encounter any costs in terms of printing the copies of the book. E-Books also provide prospective authors the opportunity to self publish their work without having to run behind publishers with huge manuscripts which is the case if one wants to get paperbacks published.

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Five Sentence Fiction: When my smartphone went missing..


My phone had always been my life which I took along wherever I went. Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram & games of all kinds – I used it for all of this and more.

But since the day I misplaced my phone, my life hasn’t been the same. Neither do I eat properly nor do I get sound sleep at night like before.

Seeing me in depression and despair all day long, you would seriously wonder as if life has been sucked out of my soul.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – December) – My post no 16 for this month.

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100 word fiction: Hunger pangs

cropped-bugsPHOTO PROMPT – Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy

She keenly watched the spider struggle to get hold of the cockroach which it had preyed upon. Seeing this, her mind wandered towards the struggle she had to encounter daily to get hold of the rations thrown by the army from the numerous helicopters circling above them.

Floods had ravaged almost the entire state leaving hundreds dead and thousands homeless without food, shelter and clean drinking water. While the government had mobilized emergency services to help the people in need, her family had to fight daily with numerous others to get hold of one wholesome meal to satisfy their hunger.

Written for the photo prompt and you can read the other entries here.

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – December) – My post no 15 for this month.

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Five Sentence Fiction: A glimmer of hope

Speeding Motorbike

On the bike..


Wish he had paid heed to my insistence on wearing the helmet while riding his bike. Instead, all he could think of was racing down the highway like a free bird speeding past all the vehicles and the crowd around.

That love for speeding proved dangerous today as his life along with his bike was almost crushed beyond recognition.

A marathon surgery lasting more than 8 hours has given all of us a glimmer of hope that he would survive. But the next 24 hours are the most crucial ones which can make or break his life.

Written for Five Sentence Fiction Prompt: Glimmer. Read the other entries here.

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – December) – My post no 14 for this month.

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