Happiness is the key to success..

Happiness is the key to success..

Source: http://www.goodmorningquote.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/beautifulinspiringsayings.jpg?c06c3e

I have always believed that we are responsible for our own feelings. If we are sad, it’s because more often than not, we ourselves tend to think about the unhappy and depressing things in life rather than appreciating the happy moments.

If we are happy and satisfied with our lives, there are more chances for us to succeed and achieve our goals and dreams. A happy mind and soul is a perfect ingredient for success.

Success should be considered as a result of happiness rather than the other way round since the barometer for success changes from time to time.

Linking to Microblog Mondays and #100 words on Saturday

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – July – My post no 20 for this month.

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