Blogger interview series - Parul Thakur

I have always believed that humanizing individuals is a great way to understand what they think and what makes them click. In keeping with this philosophy, I have regularly interviewed authors  from different walks of life over the last few years.

And now continuing this theme, I begin a blogger interview series. My first guest is a full-time HR professional during the day and blogger after calls in the night. A working homemaker who hates cleaning and can hardly cook, she is also a family photographer and life lover. She spreads happiness all around through her lovely posts with an aptly named blog – Happiness & Food.

Ladies & Gentleman, welcome Parul Thakur.

Aseem: What inspired you to begin blogging?
Parul: It was the start of 2013 and New Year hadn’t brought anything great. At least, on the face of it. I was on bed rest and unable to walk or stand. Negligence had led to an extremely weak back and I was on the verge of a spine surgery. That was when I realized I need happiness to pull me up from my condition.

I needed to be positive and I had a picture of me cycling. I logged onto WordPress, created a blog and posted the picture. That was the start of happiness and food. Food because that too meant happiness. I had always wanted to pen down my writings at one place and with only a half-hearted attempt way back, this was the one I need to put my soul into.

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