
Source: http://i.fests.info/2014/11/Hyderabad-Bloggers-Meet-2014-on-December-7-2014.jpg

I have always cribbed about the fact that in the cities where I have resided in, there have generally been no blogger meets at least during those periods. From Pune to Hyderabad, I always longed to attend one. Yes, some are nothing but brand promotions with tea, coffee and good food thrown in for good measure. But the fact that you get a chance to meet some amazing bloggers across the spectrum is quite exciting.

Just a day prior to the Hyderabad Bloggers Meet, Manjulika dropped a note to me on Twitter with the FB page link about the details of the meet. I managed to register just in time and the rest is history. Interestingly this was the 4th such meet. And I thought no blogger meets happen in Hyderabad :O.

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