Source: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/globalization-wordcloud-9500390.jpg

North Korea. Pakistan. Bhutan. These are the three countries which don’t have a single NRI as per a recent survey. Surprised? Shocked? Stunned? Don’t be. Indians have been globe-trotting for years on end. From just a few of them in countries like Slovenia and Monteserrat to thousands in USA and the Gulf, Indians have set up their base everywhere. Labourers, Politicians, White collar workers, Sports Stars, Movie Stars, you name it and an Indian name would be announced for that particular field.

If you look towards NASA, you will find a huge number of scientists who are Indians or Indian Americans. If you look towards the American parliament, you would find many Indians or Indian Americans. If you look towards the labourers as well as individuals in white collar jobs in the Gulf, Singapore, Malaysia and the likes, you would find many Indians. If you look at the House of Commons in UK, you would find many Indians.

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