Creating a Startup Revolution..

What is Entrepreneurship?

What is Entrepreneurship?


I just completed watching the first 4 episodes of TVF Pitchers, a new Indian show which talks about the journey of 4 guys who leave their cushy jobs to dream of starting their own company. In a country like India, there are hundreds of individuals who start their own companies every single day. But in comparison, the success stories are miniscule in number.

From lack of funding to a poorly developed idea; from inability to hire the right set of people to lack of differentiation among the competitors in the market, there are a number of reasons behind every failure. But one of the most fundamental ones is the ease with which wannabe entrepreneurs give up after being rejected a couple of times.

As is always the case in life, not giving up is the mantra one needs to follow to avoid being JUST another entity creating a startup revolution. It’s not always about doing different things but instead doing the same things differently could be revolutionary as well.

Linking to Monday Musings & Microblog Mondays

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – August – My post no 5 for this month.

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