Transition of Thoughts

Weaving thoughts into words

100 word fiction: The stranger..

Stranger in the night..

Stranger in the night..


“Help! Help! Someone please help us.” His cries rang loud and clear in the stillness of the night.

He and his friend had been brutally tortured for more than an hour and then thrown onto the road to face death.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a good samaritan stopped his car and agreed to take them to hospital. He ensured that they were taken to a well equipped hospital and given the best medical care available.

By the time the two regained proper consciousness, their families had reached the hospital. But the stranger was nowhere to be found.

Written for IndiSpire Edition 53: The stranger whom I can’t forget!

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – February – My post no 11 for this month.

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42 word fiction: When she left home..


Why isn’t compassion given the importance it deserves? #1000Speak


  1. forum parikh

    Oooh… ran chill through my spine.

  2. aayeshahakim

    Reminded me about the Nirbhaya case.
    Well crafted 🙂

  3. Gosh!! The narration reminds me of she and her male friend.. 🙁 Thanks for stopping by.

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