Transition of Thoughts

Weaving thoughts into words

Tag: Accidents

Five Sentence Fiction: Stranger than fiction

Ron always had the knack of being at the right place at the right time. Despite, being born and brought up in one of the most violent neighbourhoods in the city, he was used to cheating injuries and even death day in and day out.

As life went on, his business took him to far off nations which he wouldn’t have even dreamt off a few years back. While the odds of an air-crash are 1 in a million, he was unfortunate to be at the center of two such accidents in 2 years.

He would have miraculously survived both of them if only it wasn’t the fire truck which killed him after the second crash.

Day 1 Prompt: Stranger than fiction


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The pain of losing someone..

Have you ever lost someone?

Have you ever lost someone?


All of us have an expiry date (the date we would die). There’s no one who can expect to live forever. If there was a possibility, how many of you would want to live forever?

But this expiry date is not something any of us actually know. At least among us Indians, as soon as we reach the wrong side of 50 many start thinking as if our time on Earth is nearing its end. Interestingly, on the other side of the spectrum, I have seen men and women at the age of 70+ in countries like Germany, UK etc. fit and fine to even go on tourist visits all alone without their kids.

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100 word fiction: That rainy night..

The rainy night..

The rainy night..

PHOTO PROMPT -© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“If I don’t leave tonight, I wouldn’t be able to make it to the conference tomorrow.”

Though it was raining heavily, he decided to drive down much against his family’s wishes to wait till the next morning. The highway surrounded by mountains was prone to getting dangerous from landslides and other accidents during poor weather. But he was always up for challenges.

When he didn’t call the next morning, his parents filed a missing complaint at the police station. His body was found a few days later far away from his car which seemed to have fallen down a cliff.

Written for the photo prompt and you can read the other entries here.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – October – My post no 3 for this month.

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Five Sentence Fiction: A glimmer of hope

Speeding Motorbike

On the bike..


Wish he had paid heed to my insistence on wearing the helmet while riding his bike. Instead, all he could think of was racing down the highway like a free bird speeding past all the vehicles and the crowd around.

That love for speeding proved dangerous today as his life along with his bike was almost crushed beyond recognition.

A marathon surgery lasting more than 8 hours has given all of us a glimmer of hope that he would survive. But the next 24 hours are the most crucial ones which can make or break his life.

Written for Five Sentence Fiction Prompt: Glimmer. Read the other entries here.

Linking to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month – December) – My post no 14 for this month.

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Driving in India – A nightmare relived everyday

Traffic in India can be a nightmare

Traffic in India can be a nightmare


More than 1.4 lakh deaths in 2012.

70%  accidents due to drunken driving.

A huge increase in fatalities.

Driving in India can be a big nightmare for each of us every day of our lives. There’s every kind of vehicle be it bikes, cars, trucks, buses, rickshaws and what not jostling for space on the road. Oh how can I forget one more thing? There are people crossing the road as well. And not one but thousands of people cross streets, roads and highways of India every second, every minute and every hour. Add to this, the condition of roads which people have to drive on. And you have a recipe for a disaster waiting to happen.

Someone has truly said that if you can drive carefully and safely in India, you can easily drive in any part of the world. Now that’s saying a lot, isn’t it? So how do we ensure that we are safe on the roads in the country whether we are in the drivers seat or crossing the road as a pedestrian? How do we ensure that driving in India is not a nightmare that we have to face day in and day out?

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